Unlimited play seven days a week, no additional fees
Unlimited access to both Lodestone and Fantasy Valley Golf Course
Complimentary USGA Handicap Services
All other member benefits (see below)
Unlimited play seven days a week, no fees
Complimentary USGA Handicap Services
$39 round at Lodestone (anytime)
All other additional member benefits (see below)
Unlimited fee-free play Monday thru Thursday
$25 fee applies on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays
Restricted tee times Saturdays and Sundays from 9 AM – 11:30 AM
Gold Memberships will be capped at 250 members
All other additional member benefits (see below)
Greens fees included (does not include a cart).
All other additional member benefits (see below).
Students ages 7-24. College students must show proof of full-time status.
*Membership rates do not include taxes. Fantasy Valley Golf Course and Lodestone Golf Course memberships are sold as an annual golf program. Golf memberships expire at the end of each golf season.
**Full-price adult membership purchase required to qualify for child add-on. A child is defined as a full-time student dependent.
Additional Member Benefits:
Ability to bring up to three accompanied guests daily and receive preferred rates on Green Fees.
14-day advance tee times.
Special $4.99 Lodestone Driving Range fee.
Lodestone Driving Range closes every Wednesday at 5:00 PM and re-opens Thursdays at 11:00 AM.
Preferred rates on Lodestone Golf Course.
Special rate on USGA Handicap Services.
15% discount on soft goods and apparel in both golf shops (non-sale merchandise).
Reciprocal Golf Benefits
Golf Members at Wintergreen Resort, including Devils Knob, Stoney Creek Golf Course, and Wisp Resort courses (including Lodestone and Fantasy Valley) will receive six rounds of golf valid non-holiday at any other Wintergreen and Wisp gold courses.
More than one round of golf can be used per day based on advanced available tee times. Members must present a valid member ID at the other resort. Complimentary golf rounds do not contain any other member benefit at the other resort.
Golf Member ID processing will be announced closer to the opening of the golf season.